The name "Ezan" was given to me by my father whose entire family was masacred during the Ottoman Turkish genocide of the Armenians from 1915 to 1922. The name comes from an Armenian revolutionary fight song whose refrain goes something like this: "Ezan-e-veraj, arach, arach". That means, "To arms!, Revenge! Forward!, Forward!". My father belonged to an Armenian regiment of the French Foreign Legion and fought the Turks in Palestine. He later joined the Armenian Revolutionary Federation which helped create the Independent Republic of Armenia until the Soviet Union annexed it as part of the Soviet Union in 1921.
I am a retired Supervisory Customs Inspector from the Eastern Great Lakes Field Office located in Buffalo, NY. I have served as Supervisor of the Contraband Enforcement Team, District Administrative Supervisor, Station Supervisor in Charge at Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY, Supervisor of Customs Training for the Buffalo District, Supervisor in Charge of the Summer Inspector Program, Bomb Threat and Terrorist Threat Coordinator and Co-Cordinator of the Eastern Great Lakes Intelligence Collection Analysis Team. In 1983, I participated in the establishment of the Customs Behavioral Analysis Program and have lectured on "behavioral Analysis and Observational Techniques" to law enforcement agencies and as a contractor, tc countries overseas. I am currently a Contract Special Investigator for the United States Government doing bacground /security investigations.
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